Lockdown Collections

Close To Home

Close To Home

Is a series of photographs in response to my life under lockdown.As... 

End Of The Road

End Of The Road

I had started going for late-night walks during lockdown and spotted many... 

Open Till Late

Open Till Late

Open Till Late is my personal tribute to all the small convenience... 

Lockdown set me free.

As a way of alleviating my restlessness from being confined to home during lockdown, I ventured out on meandering neighbourhood strolls just after dusk when the streets were deserted and eerily quiet. The solitude I found wandering the streets was an almost meditative experience of simply observing as I walked. What a revelation, streets so familiar during the day were completely transformed after dark. I discovered an alluring beauty photographing under streetlights casting their individual hues and creating an air of mystery that completely captivated me.

London's Coalhole Covers

This project was inspired by London’s coalhole covers, fascinating industrial design we completely overlook as we pound the city’s pavements.